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Frequently Asked Questions, Iran MTN (Irancall) Mobile Number

Iran MTN (Irancall) operator

Balance inquiry
Dial: 5551*2#

Package balance inquiry
Dial: 5551*4#

Query the current tariff plan
Dial: 5553*8# and scan the picture with your phone

checking order
Dial: 55522#

Promotional information
Dial: 5556#

Mobile Internet Configuration (APN)
Dial: 5554*2#

Switch interface language to English
Dial: 555432#

Switch interface language to Persian
Dial: 555431#

Prepaid to Postpaid
Dial: 5551*9# or *70#

phone theft tracking
Dial: *6101# (1,000 Toman)

travel around the world
Iran MTN (Irancell) mobile phone number recharge